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Homeschool support

In short: academic coaching for homeschool students grades 6-12 who are looking for support, guidance, and accountability as they work through their curriculum.

Who is this for? 

  • Students who want extra support & guidance from an academic coach who understands both what they're learning and how to best learn it


  • ​Students who would like subject-specific support and reinforcement that they cannot get from a parent.


  • Students who would like accountability check-ins and help with staying on track with the pacing of their courses​


  • Students who want to learn how to study and organize their time but have never learned how or have never implemented what they’ve learned


  • Students who want to do well but are struggling to motivate themselves


  • Parents who want someone else on their child's team

What does this support look like?

Weekly coaching session(s)
via zoom

Goal Setting: The coach and student set a long-term goal supported by habit-building and check in about progress weekly


Plan The Week: Next, we talk about what’s coming up that week for students: tests, assignments, projects, deadlines. We look at long-term & short-term tasks and talk about what needs to happen that week to get there.


Work Time: We help the student with the tasks they most need support on for that week.


Next Steps: We provide accountability about follow-through.


We meet for the equivalent of 34 weeks per school year; 55 minutes each or 2 half sessions of 25 minutes each.

follow-up Emails

The coach sends a follow-up email to parents and students summarizing the session, upcoming assignments, and the steps the student is committing to taking that week to meet all of their deadlines


Students will be able to reach out to their coach via text or app for support and questions between sessions


  • Does your child want to get help, too?


  • Do you know your child need help but they need to hear it from someone who is not their parent?


  • Are you looking to build your child's overall academic confidence rather than just focus on one or two subjects?


  • Do you value learning and growth over grades and SAT scores?



If you said yes...

you're exactly who we love to help!

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"Empower coaches are masters of their profession.  They have worked with my child from middle school into high school adapting to his development and needs. They are supporting autonomy, executive functioning, and decision making as we plan for college."
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